Wealthy people are always amused and entertained when poor people {who went through wars and refugee camps} bring to their sphere usual and banal objects. That’s how an IKEA bag ended up in the hands of a very few at a xxx price tag of 3.000€. Rich people don’t shop at IKEA. A place that indulges in ultra sophisticated boredomness hangar type of place only available at the skirt of cities (the suburb). Definitely a place you would never go to. {they had opened inside Paris though but it’s almost incomprehensible to understand what they sell once you’re inside if you had took the risk coming out of La Samaritaine to sneak in this Swedish modest place to have a look. Yes MUJI in Swedish but as dated. So definitely not a go to}
And me I have to say has always been very candid about the fact that I was bringing to anyone the other way around artefacts from my upbringing like private school uniforms and shit.
And I was foolish enough to believe this impossible commercial equation would ever work.
I never had expressed any sort of interest into CO-opting any sub culture, communities or tendencies, my work being mainly self centered talking about myself.
Coming from the very limited and secret “sub culture” of 90s club kids in paris I discovered the word “club kids” only around the 2000s while watching the movie xxx I had no idea that back in the days of Club Sky with xxx in the follies Pigalle back in 94 we were called “club kids” no one used this word around me. Perhaps because … I was 14 and therefore a kid zoning at night in an adult world filled with drugs, fashion, porn, drag queens, celebrities, house music and … murders.
When I see today obvious references to Camden cyber dog shop I don’t even understand them, as… CYBER DOG is still opened and well xxx after more than 40 years and for me it’s just appropriation. As soon as you sell the exact same thing Avenue Montaigne 100 time the price it is cultural appropriation.